Aug-2011-Greeley ~ Rocky Mountain Hound Show
Sebastian shown by Lori Wilson Day 1 at the show.
Head up, tail up, nice reach & drive... Lookin' good!!! |
Aug-2011-Greeley ~ Rocky Mountain Hound Show
Sebastian & his handsome face is in front of the specials line up.
Georgie 2nd, Sassy 3rd, and Kiss (his 1/2 sister) is 4th in line. |
Aug-2011-Greeley ~ Rocky Mountain Hound Show
Yes he is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l mover!!!
And looks soooo fit & muscular!!! (Cute too!!!) |
Aug 2011-Greeley ~ Rocky Mountain Hound Show
Sebastian doing a little Public Relations & Education (having fun too)
as he helps a Girl Scouts Troop earn their Dog Show Patch. |
Sep-2011-Aurora ~ waiting in the group ring with Karen Livingston
Sebastian lookin rather droopy & maybe a little hot (it was a hot day)
Karen lookin very serious (I am sure she was hot & tired too). |
Aug-2011-Aurora ~ stacked up in the group righ with Karen Livingston
His structure & balance are fabulous (but he still looks young)
He is fabulous now, but will be even more fabulous when he matures! |
Nov-2011-Pueblo ~ Sebastian shown here by Karen Livingston
The male in front is more mature & larger...
But Sebastian is growing and you can't deny his beautiful headpeice! |
Nov-2011-Pueblo ~ Sebastian getting cuddle time in the hotel with Karissa!
And in this picture you can see a close up of his G O R G E O U S Headpiece!!!
Yes, he is adorable and we LOVE-LOVE-LOVE Sebastian!