Hunter is a delightful & extremely
intelligent bloodhound that we adore.
He did not come from a top breeder, so he
had no significant bloodlines behind him...
but he joined us when we needed him,
(which was after the loss of an elder dog);
and he has enriched our lives ever since.
Some would say Hunter is a bit dry & needs
more type (meaning more skin & longer ears).
We love him dearly, but knew he was not
meant to share his genetics forward, so
Hunter is happily neutered (which should
add to the length of his life).
Hunter was a spoiled only dog for a time so
he went everywhere with us (well with Dave).
He rode in the tractor, the truck, the car
and loved every minute of it!
Hunter is a well behavied dog and clearly
he is the smartest dog we have ever had.
He loves to chase bunnies at the ranch and
he constantly patrols the property to make
sure no other animals enter his home-zone.
He loves everyone, and everyone loves him.
His favorite people are our two grandsons
Tyler & Kyle (but any kid will do)!
Hunter has been easily training for trailing
& has never missed a beat (or a find).
Some of his qwerks are: He hates flies (if
there is a fly buzzing in the house, he will
not rest); and he obsesses about the mice
in the garden patio area (he will sniff until
he finds them and gets or chases them off).
We love his dark faced look (very handsome);
his wonderful expression & his sweet eyes!
Did we mention Hunter is an exceptional
bloodhoung man-trailer!!!