6 mo - American Bloodhound Club National
Major stacked & looking fabulous in Futurity
6 mo - Bloodhound Futurity Puppy Winner
Major WINS Best Bloodhound Puppy!!! |
6 mo - Major Wins Best Bloodhound Puppy!
& his sister, Belle, wins Best Opposite Sex Puppy! |
6 mo - American Bloodhound Club National
Major's beautiful face in Puppy Sweepstakes
6 mo - Bloodhound Puppy Sweepstakes
Major in front, Magnus behind him. |
6 mo - Major gets Best Op Puppy Sweeps
He was really-really tired by the end of the day! |
6 mo - American Bloodhound Club National
Major moving well (head & tail up) & happy!
6 mo - Bloodhound Puppy Dog Class 6-9 months
Major was self stacking like a rock star!!! |
6 mo - Major Wins 1st Place in his class!
The judge was so wonderful and she loved him! |
7 mo - Greeley, CO - Buckhorn Sat - 1st Place
Karissa nicely stacking Major!!! (no points avail.)
7 mo - Greeley, CO - Puppy Group 4 for Major
Marlene with tired-fussy Major in Puppy Group |
7 mo - Greeley, CO - Buckhorn Sun - 1st Place
Karissa getting a great stack!!! (no points avail.) |
8 mo - Pueblo, CO - (almost big as my dad)
Callie (junior/freind) shows Major nicely!
10 mo - Iowa - (I was scared at this show)
Mom's friend (Heather) was very nice to me! |
11 mo - Denver, CO (1 day at this HUGE show)
I had a good time in the ring with Diana Wilson! |