American Bloodhound National - 1st Rally Leg |
Rapid City, SD - 3 more scores = Rally Novice Title |
Pueblo, CO, 1 point, Winners Bitch & Best Op |
Pueblo, CO, 1 more point, Winnter Bitch & Best Op. |
Chickasha, OK, 1 point, Winners Bitch & Best Op |
Glen Rose, TX, Zip this time, Sas looks great in front |
Abilene, TX, Sassy meets Brian Livingston (luvs him)! Sat= 2 pts, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Op |
Abilene, TX, Brian was just fabulous with Sassy! Sun= 1 pt, Winners Bitch & Best Op |
Denver, CO, Day3, Marlene showed Sassy for 1 point, She was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, & Best of Op, (Days 1&2, with a handler, we got zippo... oh well!) |
Denver, CO, Winners Bitch again & 1 more point, (Sassy shows well for Marlene) Sassy has 9 points!!! Whooo-Hooo!!! just 2 majors for AKC championship |
Wichita Falls, TX - Sassy wins, but the major breaks... Winners Bitch, 2 extra points (1,000 miles - Argh!) |
Claremore, OK - Major breaks again & we get 2nd... 2,000 miles (round trip) in a snow storm - Crazy! |
Shawnee, OK - possible major & WORST Judge ever!!! (she actually says Sassy is too big & too much) |
Shawnee, OK - GREAT Judge, really loved Sassy!!! (but the puppy mill gal pulled = no major) |
Texarkana, AK - ** 4 point major ** WHOOO-HOOO!!! Sassy was rewarded with Winners Bitch & Best Op; Judge is wonderful & Sassy showed wonderfully! |
Texarkana, AK - Sassy wins, nice judge, only 2 points, as the puppy mill person pulled again (on purpose); but Sassy still got Winners Bitch & Best Op |
Grey Summit, MO - can't believe, major broke again... Paul Catterson showed Sas (in front) 2 more points |
Grey Summit, MO - ** YEAH - SASSY DOES IT *** Beats class bitches & special = her final major! |
Denver, CO - Judge liked Sassy in 2009 (scroll up)
(Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Opposite)
We now show Sassy to her as an adult & Champion |
Denver, CO - Judge also liked Sassy this year (2010)
We came to the show for fun & friendship
We Won Best of Breed |
Sassy & Marlene are working on an OBEDIENCE TITLE!
We have 1 good score, and need 2 more...
In this photo Sassy is sitting & stayting perfectly! |
Sassy (mostly retired) shown by Marlene's friend
at the Rocky Mtn. Hound Show Specialty
Select Bitch & Grand Champion Points... NICE! |