We waited for the right female bloodhound and were lucky to connect with Anne Legge (Legacy Bloodhounds) & Adriana Pavlinovich (Ambassador Bloodhounds) to secure our girl who arrived full of piss & vinegar and remained the sassiest, yet sweetest bloodhound we could have ever imagined.
Sassy was a big girl and she was big before big bloodhounds were in fashion. Newsflash, her personality was even bigger. She was a talker, a silly and sarcastic face maker and would often sort of tell us rebelliously to "talk to the paw or the ear".
Sassy had great bone and substance, loads of furnishings, and was shown to her Championship. She then went on to do Therapy Work (certified), Public Education (schools, libraries, events, etc.) She got her Rally title and almost an Obedience title. Sassy did indeed "work for food"!
Sassy was a big brat, annoying Hunter to start, but really any of the other dogs. She was the queen period! She did fun trailing and we learned she had a huge reaction (basically paralyzing fear) to anything that smelled dead.
Sassy whelped one litter for us(9 total, 6 born and 3 died in-utero) Her 6 puppies, resulted in 2 grand champions, 1 akc ace award winner (a mantracking legend), 1 abc best futurity puppy, 1 abc best op futurity puppy, 1 abc best op sweepstakes puppy and 6 spoiled family pets.
Sassy was a good mama dog, passing along her beautiful head planes, fabulous movement and her larger than life presence and attitude. She was total squishable love and therapy. She was always willing to have anyone hug, snug and pet her. Sassy was Marlene's heart dog!
Sassy's face turned white, she got a little chubby and a bit of dementia, but she still ruled! She passed at 13 and her absence is as big as her Sassy personality was... Sassy was beyond cherished!