We looked for a bloodhound and found Hunter, who was a smart, thinking, problem solving pup/dog. He was an only dog for a time which bonded him to Dave in a way that many don't quite understand, as he went everywhere on the ranch with Dave and at that time, we did not even have a dog fence.
Hunter was a great family dog who entertained and protected the grandkids as they grew up. He would play with them, go on walks with them, and if there was a snake or any threat in the yard, he would bellow his bloodhound alarm.
Hunter was a handsome, good sized bloodhound but did not exactly have the structure in his rear that we thought should be bred. We altered him and loved him and he become the ultimate Bloodhound Ranch Dog, riding in the tractor with Dave and helping with many ranch chores.
Hunter never met a person he did not like or that he did not welcome; he was Mr. Personality. On the flip side, he did not allow animal, bird or even snake intruders, he was very guarding in that way chasing off anything in his ranch kingdom.
Hunter loved to use his nose and to trail and was quite good at it, though he did no formal trailing or tracking, he always found who he was sniffing for. He was smart and could open doors, gates, basically anything and no noise of sound at the ranch bothered him.
Hunter was a beautiful black and tan, not a full coat black, but much more black than most and even as he aged he never really got any white or silver hairs.
He passed at 11 years due to an unknown spleen tumor (probably cancer) that ruptured; but that day he ran out to the barn and chased off bunnies, living large every day at the ranch until it was his time.
Something else about Hunter, he was the best Uncle to the puppies!

Hunter will always be our example as the smartest bloodhound ever and one with the absolute best ideal temperament ever... He is probably watching over the ranch still... Hunter is greatly missed!